Created by Heather Goldminc for Clayworks and Blue Sky. Put a t-lite or small candle inside this lovely hurricane lamp. Retired Clayworks Christmas item. Strictly limited to stock on hand. About 14" tall. Heather Goldminc, a Canadian artist, created the world famous Blue Sky Clayworks line of collectible ceramics. Heather GoldmincÂ’s Blue Sky Clayworks line of collectible creations are cute, clever, colorful and whimsical. Clayworks please the eye and delight the senses while expressing the joy and wealth of life in simple everyday things. Blue Sky ceramics are adorable and affordable. CourtneyÂ’s Candles is your Heather Goldminc Clayworks Blue Sky Superstore, stocking every available Clayworks item and maintaining an inventory of over 9000 ceramics.